tehbeard wrote:If she can cook she's in. Lets just pray she doesn't set the bacon bunker on firevallorn wrote:i usualy make the decisions for entry but i cant because Aqua's my sister (conflict of interest). can the other overseers give me thier opinions?TheAquapunk wrote:Name: theaquapunk
Player rank (normal, Vet, VIP, VIPVET, Op, OP+): Normal, applying for vet soon.
time spent on the server: roughly 30 hours.
any oficial warnings or worse?: Nope, clean slate.
reason for joining: Vallorn is my brother and vault 88's rep suggests it would be a great place to pledge allegiance too.
notable skills: very good at repetitive, boring tasks, willing to do any job, quite technically minded, very good memory. I also have an abnormally high chance of getting saplings from trees (4-7 per tree)
other information:Vallorn is my brother, I know a lot about how to behave in the vault from him. I also have a house in Fort Itl.
I can cook, and i've yet to set anything on fire that wasn't supposed to be