Skyrim Bi***es :D

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by vallorn » 05 Dec 2011, 17:58

i keep all potions except for Poisons... :?
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Jake55778 » 05 Dec 2011, 18:08

I sell everything except health, cure disease, and fortify enchanting/smithing/destruction. Hoarded everything with my first character and never used any of them.
Wildwill002 wrote:Generally the higher level you get the more gold merchants seem to have but it's highly advisable that you try to get your speech up because then you can sell stolen goods to anyone, invest in people and all sorts of things. Oh and since heavy armour weighs alot I suggest trying to get your pickpocketing level up. It's harder to do if your not a stealth character but there is a perk that gives you an extra 100 carrying weight
I guess. Speech seems pretty easy to level anyway. I'm at ~50 just from playing normally. If I just go to a clothes/food shop, buy up everything and sell it back a few times I should be able to level up quickly.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Wildwill002 » 05 Dec 2011, 18:52

The trick to level it up is not to be tempted to sell full stacks at once. If you've got a stack of 11 sell them 11 individually to get 11 exp gains instead of just one. You will then get 11 times the exp. It can get a bit tedious when you have like a 50+ stack
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by vallorn » 05 Dec 2011, 19:24

anyone else have a special container in thier house to hold Dragon bones and scales?

and has anyone got all the DragonPriest masks yet?
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Jake55778 » 05 Dec 2011, 19:31

I collected enough to craft 2 sets of dragon armor and have been selling the rest. They're pretty much useless.
Between my two characters I have 5 masks. What does getting the full set do?
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Darktaint » 05 Dec 2011, 20:13

Jake55778 wrote:I collected enough to craft 2 sets of dragon armor and have been selling the rest. They're pretty much useless.
Between my two characters I have 5 masks. What does getting the full set do?
You combine them to make an uber mask.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by aflycon » 05 Dec 2011, 20:35

vallorn wrote:anyone else have a special container in thier house to hold Dragon bones and scales?

and has anyone got all the DragonPriest masks yet?
I do.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by MrJKapowey » 06 Dec 2011, 02:27

Wildwill002 wrote: Oh and since heavy armour weighs alot I suggest trying to get your pickpocketing level up. It's harder to do if your not a stealth character but there is a perk that gives you an extra 100 carrying weight
Yeah, but then there's the well-fitted perk (but that might be the name of the l.armour perk though) and that means that it doesn't inflict a movement epnalty on you or weigh anything whilst you wear it.

One thing bugged me so far about Skyrim - After doing Ill-Met by Moonlight I wandered into the roads with my newly gained ring of Hircine and butchered some Thalmor Justicars for their armour. Within a minute a bounty collector ran up and tried to carve his name on my chest, so I killed him too. However, when I reached Whiterun the guards were pissed off and refused to accept my 'I'm the Thane' excuse, then attacking. Re-loading my save and going back to Whiterun let me get off with only ten days in jail, but I don't understand why 1) they attacked me and 2) why 'I'm a Thane' didn't work...
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Maykxor » 10 Dec 2011, 01:51

*cracks knuckles and gets to typing*
Bring on the hate mail because chances are I've heard it all before so I'm going to throw my opinion out and let you all have at it.
First off, let me start out by saying that Bethesda is by far the first and foremost worst gaming company I have ever had the displeasure of coming across. Their games are full of glitches galore. Not only that but it is simply just bad programing. I've seen better stuff come out for the Nintendo Wii than I've ever seen Bethesda Software wise. (Not really but pretty darn close). Now I know many of you are great fans of their games and would love to murder me for my "blasphemous" remarks but here is my proof:

Brink got on average a 68/100 on generally every gaming critic site. While I haven't played the game personally, I can say that if the general public and critics (all of whom tend to grade rather generously) gave it a bad score, then it simply isn't worth my time.

Fallout 3/New Vegas: These were (If you could call them that) my favorites. The graphics were decent enough but there were some aspects of the game that just made it unbearable. 1st, V.A.T.S. couldn't ever HIT the target if you were closer than 1 meter and half of the time I couldn't target stuff that was obviously in view. 2nd, occasionally, dead bodies and drops would literally hang and float in mid air or worse, deform and stretch into strange formations, obviously a glitch. 3rd, Falling through the map was a constant threat and happened on occasion. For more valid points on my view check out:

Morrowind: To be honest, this game was just boring as hell. The entire game was based purely on finding people with impossible to pronounce names giving you quests to go find some other impossible to pronounce named person whose even more impossible to find since you don't know who any body is or where in the bloody world they are. If you love running around bored out of your mind... this is a game for you.

Oblivion: Arguably the best of the Elder scrolls series, but many of the same glitches still occur and it is can be simply boiled down to bad, lazy, programing error. Particularly with riding a horse, the game freezes. Other than that there was little to complain. But it did have it's moments when I would yell out in rage. "AHHH I GOT BETHESDA'D!!! >:O"

And alas, we get to Skyrim, the hottest game of the season. In my deepest heart I have a strong disliking for this game and simply aids my point when talking about Bethesda. First off... Giants.... Need I say more? Secondly, when doing the MAIN STORY LINE quest to get the blasted woman to follow you if you've ever declined and go back to do the quest later with some bounty, she attacks you and you cant do the quest, for no reason other than your Bounty. The only way to get rid of your bounty of course is to talk to the local guard all of which have been killed by dragons in the city. Thanks bethesda... Luckily, when you next return, you are able to complete the quest. Not long after that, you have to cage a dragon and talk to it... Talk to it.... Um yea it wouldn't initiate any dialogue..... what... so ever... But hey, I exploited the opportunity and maxed out all my skills while luring it into the trap. Thanks Bethesda.

And let us not forget what I consider the most unfathomable error of all consistent with every game... Scaling mountains. Sometime's you can get to the most unreachable places by jumping on a 89* incline. yet other times you cant go up a stinking little slope. The coding for terrain is just sooo... off... You have to know what I'm talking about to know what I'm talking about... XD

Ok, so I've bashed them enough, I do have to give Bethesda Studios credit where due. They come up with wonderful story plots and magnificent worlds that I have rarely seen on any game before. The concept of FP RPG is unique mainly to them and that's what makes them acceptable, they're the only games like it out there. (That are actually decent) But because of all the glitches, bugs, issues, errors, lags, crashes and spazes their game has that not only I, but many others I have met come across, It makes it hard to enjoy many of their games. Most of which could all be solved with a little tweaking and a patch. But the programers are so stinkin lazy to even do that, they even use the same exact old engine to create their new games for crying out loud.

In conclusion with all I have said. It is in my opinion that Skyrim should never have been made and that Bethesda should have cashed out and disappeared at their best point in their span back during the sensational arcade game: Doom II.

That is all
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by The Bum » 10 Dec 2011, 02:05

Maykxor wrote:they even use the same exact old engine to create their new games for crying out loud.
Incorrect, they made an entire new engine for Skyrim.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Maykxor » 10 Dec 2011, 02:06

The Bum wrote:
Maykxor wrote:they even use the same exact old engine to create their new games for crying out loud.
Incorrect, they made an entire new engine for Skyrim.
but from Morrowind to Oblivion and Fallout 3 to new vegas, each used a separate engine that was used to make the next
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by The Bum » 10 Dec 2011, 02:08

Maykxor wrote:
The Bum wrote:
Maykxor wrote:they even use the same exact old engine to create their new games for crying out loud.
Incorrect, they made an entire new engine for Skyrim.
but from Morrowind to Oblivion and Fallout 3 to new vegas, each used a separate engine that was used to make the next
Indeed, but what's wrong with that? Unless I'm very mistaken, it's a rather common practice.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 10 Dec 2011, 02:17

Exactly, you can't expect gaming companies to develop entirely new engines for every game they put out. All companies will use the same engine for a sequel at some point. Hardware doesn't advance that much in a few years to warrant the cost of a new engine.

On to your arguement about glitches:
Yes, Bethesda games have glitches. With as much content in the game as there is, how could there not be? It's impossible for a small team of bug testers to test every single possible scenario in the game. That's just the nature of open-world games, they are going to be buggy due to their size and freedom of play.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by MrJKapowey » 10 Dec 2011, 03:32

Maykxor wrote: First off, let me start out by saying that Bethesda is by far the first and foremost worst gaming company I have ever had the displeasure of coming across.
Are you sure, are you absolutely sure? You are stating that Bethesda Softworks is the WORST gaming company you've seen? You've never had any fun on their games, ever, at all?
Brink got on average a 68/100 on generally every gaming critic site. While I haven't played the game personally, I can say that if the general public and critics (all of whom tend to grade rather generously) gave it a bad score, then it simply isn't worth my time.
Now, that's what we call a good score... You see, the video games industry does not know how to rate games - most of the games rated by OXM as 10/10 should be 9/10. Why? 10/10 means perfect, nothing at all wrong with it. As Skyrim improved on Oblivion that means Oblivion can't be a 10/10 - he same band as Skyrim. Skyrim was also described as 'Not perfect, but the closest yet.' So, technically not a 10/10... Anyway, the rating system for the gaming industry is screwed: Film ratings 30/40 = sh*t. Game ratings 60/70 = sh*t.
Fallout 3/New Vegas: These were (If you could call them that) my favorites.
Were they the ones you liked the most? No, I don't care how much you disliked them, if you liked them the most over every other game, even if this was choosing between 1% rating and 2% rating then it is your favourite game(s).
1st, V.A.T.S. couldn't ever HIT the target if you were closer than 1 meter and half of the time I couldn't target stuff that was obviously in view.
Erm, you're using VATS @ under 1 meter range? Why? VATS is good for trick shots, whittling down groups of enemies and loling at heads exploding. It's not really good to substitute gun play for VATS - especially at mele range. And I can't comment on the second part.

2nd, occasionally, dead bodies and drops would literally hang and float in mid air or worse, deform and stretch into strange formations, obviously a glitch.
3rd, Falling through the map was a constant threat and happened on occasion.
People always seem to say stuff like this - I never experianced a great deal of glitches like this. It's always 'Oh, you're lucky 'cause your disc ain't broke' or 'AND? I experieced it, are you calling me a liar?'. I'm not even going to try to counter this.

Okay, I've never played it...
Particularly with riding a horse, the game freezes.
It's never, ever, frozen w/ me. CoD 4 has frozen more times the a Bethesda game for me, as has MineCraft.
But it did have it's moments when I would yell out in rage. "AHHH I GOT BETHESDA'D!!! >:O"
Since you're posting here to show us why your view is right you are (I'm assuming) including all, or as much as possible, relevant evidence. So what you're saying here can be taken as 'AHHH NOTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY HAPPENED, I'M ANNOYED!'
First off... Giants.... Need I say more?
Yes. Is this about how hard they are or something, or is it because there's no green and purple striped giants and you're upset? You need to qualify your statement.
And let us not forget what I consider the most unfathomable error of all consistent with every game... Scaling mountains. Sometime's you can get to the most unreachable places by jumping on a 89* incline. yet other times you cant go up a stinking little slope. The coding for terrain is just sooo... off... You have to know what I'm talking about to know what I'm talking about... XD
Again, I've never experianced this. The angle at which you can't scale it is consistent, as is the height of the rock needed for it to not be jumpable.
But the programers are so stinkin lazy to even do that, they even use the same exact old engine to create their new games for crying out loud.
Wow, 'they're lazy'? Is that the best excuse you have? You know that for Oblivion, they get people whinging about how 'the dungeons aren't good, they're cut and paste!' Bethesda had one person doing all dungeons in the game! That's why it looks cut and paste...
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by EricSmarties » 10 Dec 2011, 06:23

Why can't people just enjoy games instead of criticizing them ._. My god, enjoy the glitches while you can because in a few years everything will be perfect and experiencing a glitch would be a miracle.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Wildwill002 » 10 Dec 2011, 06:43

IMO The glitches remind me that the game was made by actual people with thoughts and opinions of their own instead of emotionless robots. It's nice to see a human error every so often and you can cure the backwards flying dragon by summoning odahviing
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by RobipodSupreme » 10 Dec 2011, 07:46

MrJKapowey wrote:
3rd, Falling through the map was a constant threat and happened on occasion.
People always seem to say stuff like this - I never experianced a great deal of glitches like this. It's always 'Oh, you're lucky 'cause your disc ain't broke' or 'AND? I experieced it, are you calling me a liar?'. I'm not even going to try to counter this.
Firstly: He got pwned, well done. Though I can't think of anyone that we know who does this... *cough*
(no names were mentioned at any time during this post)

I've not encountered any Skyrim glitches yet, and I find it pretty darned awesome.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Jake55778 » 10 Dec 2011, 08:15

Glitch swapping time?

I had the backwards dragon glitch a bunch of times before the most recent patch. Really annoying since not only are they almost impossible to hit like that, but when I finally killed one it wouldn't land. It just stayed in the air, flying in place with zero health. I didn't even get the dragon soul.

I don't know if this was a glitch. but I had an incident where some random imperial soldiers started attacking what I later discovered to be Dawnstar's town guards. Being an imperial myself I sent a few fireballs in the general direction they were firing in an attempt to be helpful. Of course attacking town guards gave me a bounty and instantly caused both sides to forget their previous feud and come together in attacking me.

Being a mage I spend a lot of time in Winterhold college. Being lazy I quick travel a lot. This being a game about dragons... well let's just say the college's courtyard is littered with more than a few sets of bones. It's almost impossible to clear them out of there because of the high walls. It's all just a bit of a mess.

Oh and I had a cooking pot floating in the air once. No idea why, or how. Blasting it with fire did nothing to restore the effects of gravity.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by TyrasEngineer » 10 Dec 2011, 09:07

If you've enjoyed Skyrim, you may be interested to hear that Steam is having a sale on Oblivion. The Game of the Year edition is £4.99, for today only!
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by DuplicateValue » 10 Dec 2011, 09:12

Maykxor wrote:Morrowind: To be honest, this game was just boring as hell. The entire game was based purely on finding people with impossible to pronounce names giving you quests to go find some other impossible to pronounce named person whose even more impossible to find since you don't know who any body is or where in the bloody world they are. If you love running around bored out of your mind... this is a game for you.
The game almost always gives you a general heading to your objective. It doesn't lead you by the hand and have you follow a map marker - you're expected to remember where you're meant to go (you can even check your journal to refresh your memory), and figure out how to get there. It's probably a better system than most games, since it makes you work for your results.

Just because you weren't paying enough attention, doesn't make it a bad game.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Maykxor » 10 Dec 2011, 09:27

MrJKapowey wrote: You are stating that Bethesda Softworks is the WORST gaming company you've seen? You've never had any fun on their games, ever, at all?
No, I did have fun playing and I enjoyed moments of it. Just the fact that it was too glitchy made it hard to like.
MrJKapowey wrote: Erm, you're using VATS @ under 1 meter range? Why? VATS is good for trick shots, whittling down groups of enemies and loling at heads exploding. It's not really good to substitute gun play for VATS - especially at mele range. And I can't comment on the second part.
Even without VATS, the hit-miss ratio was still off
MrJKapowey wrote: Since you're posting here to show us why your view is right you are (I'm assuming) including all, or as much as possible, relevant evidence. So what you're saying here can be taken as 'AHHH NOTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY HAPPENED, I'M ANNOYED!'
I rarely get mad at games, honestly I don't. I enjoy a good challenge and I can respect any respectable game. But when something happens in Bethesda that I would never experience anywhere else... How can I not?
MrJKapowey wrote: Yes. Is this about how hard they are or something, or is it because there's no green and purple striped giants and you're upset? You need to qualify your statement.
If you've ever gotten hit by a giant, you'll know that you fly 2 miles into the air.
MrJKapowey wrote: Wow, 'they're lazy'? Is that the best excuse you have? You know that for Oblivion, they get people whinging about how 'the dungeons aren't good, they're cut and paste!' Bethesda had one person doing all dungeons in the game! That's why it looks cut and paste...
I've seen plenty of other games developed with small teams and they do alright for themselves. The excuse of a small team has nothing to do with the quality of their work. People *have* expressed their issues with the game and all it would take from the devs is a simple patch to fix it. That along with the fact that it takes them 4-5 years to come out with a game (Granted it is a rather large game) They shouldn't be releasing it "early" on their timeframe if glitches still occur. They don't even try to fix anything hence why I can call them lazy.

They do have their moments when I truly enjoy them, I do. I'm just saying theres a lot more work that could be done.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by RobipodSupreme » 10 Dec 2011, 09:33

As far as I can tell what Kap said was all based on direct quotes from what you said, and you just contradicted yourself quite a lot.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Milo_Windby » 10 Dec 2011, 09:54

Behold the King... the King of Kings...

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Zinrius » 10 Dec 2011, 11:07

DuplicateValue wrote:
Maykxor wrote:Morrowind: To be honest, this game was just boring as hell. The entire game was based purely on finding people with impossible to pronounce names giving you quests to go find some other impossible to pronounce named person whose even more impossible to find since you don't know who any body is or where in the bloody world they are. If you love running around bored out of your mind... this is a game for you.
The game almost always gives you a general heading to your objective. It doesn't lead you by the hand and have you follow a map marker - you're expected to remember where you're meant to go (you can even check your journal to refresh your memory), and figure out how to get there. It's probably a better system than most games, since it makes you work for your results.

Just because you weren't paying enough attention, doesn't make it a bad game.
This new generation is lazy I tell ya! Morrowind was an epic game for it's time and the story is extremely indulging even if the graphics are aged (there are mods that help it out on that department)

But man, Morrowind was a game in which I invested hours upon hours because it was simply Huuuuuuuuuuuge and full of things to explore and dangers to be wary off like no other game.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Maykxor » 10 Dec 2011, 11:26

DuplicateValue wrote:Just because you weren't paying enough attention, doesn't make it a bad game.
I don't believe I ever directly called them bad games. I'm just pointing out that they have major flaws that make it hard to enjoy.
Zinrius wrote: This new generation is lazy I tell ya! Morrowind was an epic game for it's time and the story is extremely indulging even if the graphics are aged (there are mods that help it out on that department)

But man, Morrowind was a game in which I invested hours upon hours because it was simply Huuuuuuuuuuuge and full of things to explore and dangers to be wary off like no other game.
Like I said. I enjoyed the story line. And I did say that Bethesda makes incredible worlds. In fact I think its the main reason why I play games; for story line plot and creativity.
RobipodSupreme wrote:As far as I can tell what Kap said was all based on direct quotes from what you said, and you just contradicted yourself quite a lot.
How so?
Milo_Windby wrote:Behold the King... the King of Kings...

The music was quite good to. :D Love medieval fanfare.

But like I said, not everyone will agree with my view. I realise that. Mine is but one of millions of opinions.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by RobipodSupreme » 10 Dec 2011, 12:48

How so? by saying the exact opposite of what you originally did.

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Wildwill002 » 10 Dec 2011, 12:58

Small point I'd like to make... If you dont like Skyrim or Bethesda then why post in a thread discussing Skyrim?
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 10 Dec 2011, 13:08

Refreshing change compared to the legions of fanboys, don't you think?

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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by Milo_Windby » 10 Dec 2011, 13:16

One of the small things that kind of, sort of, disappoints me (and I need to stress that this is a very small thing... nothing that is destroying the game for me or anything) is when you have dual weapons or a staff it only shows one of the weapons and staffs don't even show up on your back. The second weapon/staff just appears in your hand when you unsheathe them.
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Re: Skyrim Bi***es :D

Post by aflycon » 10 Dec 2011, 13:23

My friend once made a point that the reason it took them as long as they did to release a patch was because Todd Howard and the rest of the team were too busy saying "No! Skyrim is a perfect game!" to be bothered to fix it.

Sure, it has its flaws. But my personal opinion on the glitches is that while they can be ragequit-worthy (try dungeoneering with Mercer Frey or doing quests in Markarth), usually they're just funny as hell and have no affect on the game, whatsoever. The "falling" glitch in Fallout: New Vegas, for example: It was an isolated incident; consider what this means. It happened very few times, in only one place on the map due to a texturing bug.

Or the dragons flying backwards, let's talk about that. I patched my game and I haven't experienced it yet; in fact, I haven't experienced any glitches since the update was released. You're going to be hit-or-miss with this kind of stuff, but now let's all be honest with ourselves and ask: Does it really affect the quality of the game?

I don't think so.

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