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Re: Branchscape

Post by wafflehair » 19 Dec 2011, 21:31

Okay, thats great! What kind of trees will we be making?
Wafflu :P

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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 19 Dec 2011, 22:08

We will start work with the standard trees that I'm building right now. (seru style design) Then, we will move onto willow trees perhaps.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by yabai_ninja » 19 Dec 2011, 22:18

i'm going to be doing some drawings and whatnot of Vulpis (pine BR) so a few jpegs will be incoming.

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Re: Branchscape

Post by Darktaint » 20 Dec 2011, 13:04

the new claim is a suitable amount tanis thanks for being understanding :)
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 20 Dec 2011, 14:26

Sorry for over-claiming ;P
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Re: Branchscape

Post by Tothewhat » 20 Dec 2011, 18:53

im sorry, i just had to ask this,

tanis what is that picture of yours of?

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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 20 Dec 2011, 21:00

Tanis' picture is that of a character from the cartoon my little pony friendship is magic.

In other news, is branchscape now located in borjan? And what's the general concensus on a 'seascape' as it were? I.E. Underwater version, maybe coral or seaweed based?
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 20 Dec 2011, 21:13

branchscape has not moved yet (that I know of), but the land has been claimed and marked with fences.
yes, the underwater branchscape would be a possibility, with sponges under water. the lake is pretty deep there... or the sea works too.

Tothewhat, my avatar is princess celestia from MLP;FiM. Venomm's is Princess Luna in Nightmare moon form. I thought it was apropriate to change my avatar to celestia from pipsqueak after seeing that...

They complement eachother being the sun and moon and leaders of equestria and all that~
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Re: Branchscape

Post by venomm2 » 21 Dec 2011, 07:19

tanisjihanis wrote:branchscape has not moved yet (that I know of), but the land has been claimed and marked with fences.
yes, the underwater branchscape would be a possibility, with sponges under water. the lake is pretty deep there... or the sea works too.

Tothewhat, my avatar is princess celestia from MLP;FiM. Venomm's is Princess Luna in Nightmare moon form. I thought it was apropriate to change my avatar to celestia from pipsqueak after seeing that...

They complement eachother being the sun and moon and leaders of equestria and all that~
DAFUQ?????? i only changed cuz MLP was on my mind when i finally decided to explore the profile settings and saw that i could change the avatar. Anyways i am 1st off formally posting a message,"DO NOT MESS WITH THE LAND FOR NOW". Tanis I and the mods need to get everything set up so dont mine resurces, build, or cause explosions in anyway. I know i have told all of you that before but i want to make sure it can be seen by everyone just incase. Secondly tanis, ur at home today so if u could start the cuboiding and stuff, ill be on as soon as i get home if u need me. if u could plan out locations of all our things and tell me that would be good as well, plus idk which mountain to build on. And finally, i want to thank everyone yesterday who helped us greatly by claiming the land (waffle, isihog, jake, jackgrr, and some more ppl i cant remember) and we have successfully secured a large amount of land for branchscape with the possiblity of expanding into the snow biome.


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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 21 Dec 2011, 08:42

righto, thanks guys ;)

Ill be on for a total of 2 hours today (gotta go christmas tree shopping and spend time with family and all that...)
I will plan out locations for future structures and will probably start on isihogg's tree, but until branchscape gets to borjan, I can't implement the town cuboid.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 21 Dec 2011, 13:21

A new update:
Seru says he should be able to move branchscape during the 4 o'clock restart today. While puttzing around in the new area, I found a zombie spawner at...

Its quite close to another claim, but not within it. I have built a grinder and building around it, and claimed it for branchscape.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 21 Dec 2011, 14:45

Tanis, could I suggest that when its moved we start on a sort of rooting system? It could both bring prosperity and double the amount of homes availible to each try whilst still staying within the landclaims. Some roots could possibly lead to the sea and have sort of observation orbs as it were
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Re: Branchscape

Post by venomm2 » 21 Dec 2011, 16:10

tanisjihanis wrote:A new update:
Seru says he should be able to move branchscape during the 4 o'clock restart today. While puttzing around in the new area, I found a zombie spawner at...

Its quite close to another claim, but not within it. I have built a grinder and building around it, and claimed it for branchscape.
when will my palace move ?

never mind that
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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 21 Dec 2011, 16:52

We're moving in 6 minutes
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 21 Dec 2011, 17:03

yes, yes we are.

If you want to do roots wild, then i fully approve.
I however will be working on windwillow :3
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Re: Branchscape

Post by yabai_ninja » 21 Dec 2011, 17:11

ok here is a crappy mockup of Vulpis

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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 22 Dec 2011, 15:17

Heh... Okay, I can work with that. Want me to put it on a graph for ya?
I'm assuming the grey is walls and the red is towers.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 22 Dec 2011, 15:50

Are we fully moved in now? If not, are there any estimates as to how long it'll take?
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 22 Dec 2011, 18:08

Branchscape is now fully open to the public.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by LS13 » 22 Dec 2011, 19:04

Really? Cool, I went over to Branchscape yesterday but wasn't allowed in the area. I was really disappointed cause this is one of the coolest projects I've seen.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 22 Dec 2011, 19:29

Thanks. Its a project that is now finished and turned into a town. :)

The tree in terra is completely relocated. Now in borjan far south. If you keep going south on the rails, you will get to the south station. There is a road on the right to take you to the new location.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by wafflehair » 23 Dec 2011, 01:22

venomm2 wrote:
tanisjihanis wrote:A new update:
Seru says he should be able to move branchscape during the 4 o'clock restart today. While puttzing around in the new area, I found a zombie spawner at...

Its quite close to another claim, but not within it. I have built a grinder and building around it, and claimed it for branchscape.
when will my palace move ?

never mind that
Wafflu :P

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Re: Branchscape

Post by wafflehair » 23 Dec 2011, 01:40

I am really glad to be the "Deputy" of the town! I have really enjoyed it, and if there is anything you ever need me to do, let me know, I will stop whatever I am working on and come help you out :D
I have been building my first tree for jonnybo72 (new member of Branchscape.) He has a landclaim close to Branchscape, so if you ever see him, be nice, and say like hey What's up or something like that.

Isihogg has a tree being made, as well. (By tanis)

Wildwill002 needs some help building a tunnel. The maximum is three people that need to help. I hope to have about two people that would like to help him out (for Branchscape's new roots/tunels) .

The Vulpis (Pine tree, just like Branchscape, but with pine wood instead of oak.) It is not exactly right by Branchscape. When you are at the third stop (which should be the ice sculpture thing), you go East. The outline/landclaim is netherrack with fire on it. Spaced out about like three or four blocks in between. The different tree trunks are separated, but they all have an arch leading into each other. Yabai_ninja is doing this. I would give him some help by giving him about maybe a stack or two of pinewood every week maybe. (if that is possible) He is doing an awesome job and I am really looking forward to seeing it when it is finished, and I hope you will be too. :D

If you have any questions, please PM me, or give me a shout when I am on the server~ Wafflehair~
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Wafflu :P

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Re: Branchscape

Post by wafflehair » 23 Dec 2011, 13:05

Town update:
Tothewhat and I's shop has been re-opened. There are gifts for everyone (if you live in BR) So get them and open them! I hope you enjoy :D

Wafflu :P

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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 23 Dec 2011, 13:26

Quick update on the rail, the tunnel to south station is almost complete I just need to ask jonny if we can make a small entrance on the edge of his landclaim
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 23 Dec 2011, 16:19

He agreed to let us make a road across his land. Im sure he won't mind a small station. Just make it look nice. ;)
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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 23 Dec 2011, 16:24

Yes thats the trouble... I cant make above ground stuff look nice for the life of me.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by tanisjihanis » 23 Dec 2011, 17:42

Ill take care of it then. Just let me know where.
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Re: Branchscape

Post by Wildwill002 » 23 Dec 2011, 17:44

I apparently miscounted... But anyway if you go to the south station there should be a small hole in the sea with water going in it
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Re: Branchscape

Post by LS13 » 23 Dec 2011, 20:14

Can I have a ground cottage please? I <3 Branchscape and I need somewhere for my dogs to stay :D
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