Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by SMWasder » 11 Jan 2012, 17:12

Spoiler! :
^First ;)

The amusing moment is actually later, but this is proving to LS13 that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by vallorn » 11 Jan 2012, 17:28

Painterly pack SMW?
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Milo_Windby » 11 Jan 2012, 17:29

This is mostly for funny moments in chat... not to one up someone because you were able to join the server first.
And I have to say I just don't find this moment to be funny =p
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by SMWasder » 13 Jan 2012, 11:41

Coterie craft vall ;) .

Milo, I guess you can't tell from that screenie, but we were having a rather amusing conversation about it, I didn't feel like it was worth creating an entirely new thread just for the one picture.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Iron_Fang » 13 Jan 2012, 11:54

chatting about 1.1 ^^
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by vallorn » 13 Jan 2012, 20:15

[01:09] <TEKNOVIRUS> Hey will escapecraft be updated to 1.1
[01:09] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: seru?
[01:09] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Where'd all my saplings go :(
[01:09] <@Dupe> Eventually yes Tekno
[01:09] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: hmm
[01:09] <Milo_Windby> No, we are never updating the server ever.
[01:09] <@Dupe> Or that.
[01:09] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: EVER.
[01:09] <TEKNOVIRUS> So i can never play escapecraft again
[01:09] <@Dupe> ...
[01:09] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: fraid so
[01:09] <Milo_Windby> Never
[01:10] <@Dupe> Shame really.
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] astv25: indeed
[01:10] <TEKNOVIRUS> Why wont the server be updated
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] astv25: I keep detailed backups for such occasions
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Its saddening.
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: Because we are going to downgrade the server to alpha and only have one block to play with
[01:10] <@Vallorn> the server has shuffled its last QWOP
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: the server wont be updated because it has a mild case of trolleitus
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Obsidian.
[01:10] <@Dupe> We like dirt, it's our favourite.
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] Tehbeard: hurray for dirt
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] astv25: i hope it'll be tnt :D
[01:10] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Just so you can't break it.
[01:10] <TEKNOVIRUS> Keep it the same dont change it
[01:10] <@Vallorn> hurray for air
[01:11] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Even better than dirt.
[01:11] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: logs?
[01:11] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: :3
[01:11] <TEKNOVIRUS> Wokka why would u do that?
[01:11] <@wokka> huh?
[01:11] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: xD
[01:11] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: Wokka is not the admin anymore, Lord has re-re-re-taken control of the server... again
[01:12] <TEKNOVIRUS> Why wont it ever be updated instead downgraded
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Wait... whaaat?
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: haha milo
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Because, We can't afford it.
[01:12] <TEKNOVIRUS> ok
[01:12] <@wokka> we don't like how bukkit is updating
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: That too.
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Milo's got his trollface on.
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] reikoNeko: Oh no. Do I really have to place clay blocks and re-mine them in order to make bricks?
[01:12] <TEKNOVIRUS> Well i updated so i can never play anymore
[01:12] <@Vallorn> theres no trolling here
[01:12] <@Vallorn> its all true
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] Tehbeard: yes reiko
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] jedifighter1: so astv. we have no otherr wood?
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Did you take the oath of truth when you joined?
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: I know I did.
[01:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] astv25: You poor, confused fool.
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] reikoNeko: so much for "convenient storage"
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: ...I may or may not have been crossing my fingers.
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] jedifighter1: i am going through withdraw
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: lol reiko
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: i feel for you man
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: this is a moment of
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: storage...
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: *facelava*
[01:13] <@Vallorn> poor Tekno
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: haha rbk
[01:13] <TEKNOVIRUS> Wawawawawaw
[01:13] <TEKNOVIRUS> haha
[01:13] <@Vallorn> HEY! get out of my lava Rbk!
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: The sever is going to turn into a Pay to play only white list to play with one block forever
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: no D:
[01:13] <TEKNOVIRUS> See ya
[01:13] <@Vallorn> bye
[01:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: its warm
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] astv25: lol
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: 1000$ to play with dirt
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: What block?
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Ah.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Not dirt.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Sweet.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Obsidian.
[01:14] <@Vallorn> well see you when we downgrade to Indev
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: Or bedrock.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: gravel >:D
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: Dirt
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: DAMN YOU! Why mother earth!
[01:14] <@Vallorn> we are having 1 block. the Air block.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: xD
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Damn the gods!
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] furdabip: Rawr.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: that would be like having a chat server vall
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: heh
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] rygy9: No Vall, just bedrock. So you suffocate endlessly.
[01:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] Tehbeard: chat will be disabled
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] reikoNeko: one block: creeper egg dispenser
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Really?
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] tanisjihanis: haha
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: -_-
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: Best server ever.
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] MichaelD20: I think we scared Tekno away... ._.
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

CUT: Baldrick

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by michaeld20 » 13 Jan 2012, 21:02

9:03 PM - Marcus: My life is boring and empty.
9:03 PM - Marcus: Not that that's a bad thing
9:03 PM - [EC]MichaelD20: xD But i'm in it D:>
9:03 PM - [EC]MichaelD20: D:<*
9:03 PM - Marcus: lol
9:03 PM - Marcus: well
9:04 PM - Marcus: you are sort of in it
9:04 PM - Marcus: you're like a little cousin who lives 10491248 miles away and doesn't talk to me much ._.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 14 Jan 2012, 01:35

I find that absolutely hilarious. Also, poor poor TEKNO.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by tanisjihanis » 14 Jan 2012, 10:39

Heh indeed.... The entire server received a mild case of trollietus
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by MrJKapowey » 16 Jan 2012, 16:55

Okay, I know this isn't from the chat here, it's from Naton States' 'Main Battle Tank' thread, but it reminded me of you guys SOOOOOO much...

Orussia - >Watches as the sword bounces off the T-94's composite armor
Senestrum - Sword-guy KICKS REASON TO THE CURB and BEHEADS your TANK
Orussia - Wat.


Senestrum - what part of GO BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE AND KICK REASON TO THE CURB did you not understand
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by tanisjihanis » 17 Jan 2012, 14:04

._. im no good at organizing things.
Spoiler! :
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] Hytro: Dunno, don't see many in terra, not aroun here atleast
[13:05] <Tanis> lets play a game.
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] mattybcd: wanna live in a town?
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: Mentor chat is a myth, like elves, unicorns and the Welsh
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: want to live in out town
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: matty meet me at hub
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] Murgatron: Oi im welsh! :P
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] mattybcd: u want 2?
[13:05] <Tanis> heres how it works, I start with something, say a duck.... the next person says something that defeats it/ eats it
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: LIES
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] Refamous: I'm American.
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: yes
[13:05] <Tanis> duck.
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] Iron_Fang: ow and the irlandish!
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] mattybcd: okay
[13:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: goose!
[13:05] <Tanis> -_-
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by D4nny » 17 Jan 2012, 16:22

This was in IRC yesterday, on the day Bukkit refused to work. Outside of this thread, we'll forget it ever happened.

D4nny: Bukkit, I'm the man that will be the one to execute you
Bukkit: D4nny, your mom will be the man to execute you

What is...Don't even...D:!

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by LS13 » 17 Jan 2012, 16:25

Never gonna forget it outside this thread XD that's what u get for troling bukkit
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by tanisjihanis » 17 Jan 2012, 20:58

Ah... A pleasant evening of chat madness and ponies....
as well as an unexpected cat.
Spoiler! :
[19:45] * Byroe slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] <Byroe> * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large communist
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:45] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:46] * Tanis slaps Byroe around a bit with a large fishbot
[19:46] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large communist
[19:46] <Tanis> o_O
[19:46] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large communist
[19:46] * Tanis runs for the hills!
[19:46] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large communist
[19:46] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large communist
[19:46] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large communist
[19:46] * Byroe is smeelo
[19:46] <Tanis> o_o
[19:46] <SurvivalBot> [g] maninahat: is the mansion yours?
[19:46] <Tanis> bukkit, byroe is smeelo
[19:46] <bukkit> Okay, Tanis.
[19:46] <Tanis> >:D
[19:46] <Tanis> muahhaha
[19:46] <Byroe> bukkit, tanis is smeelo
[19:46] <bukkit> Okay, Byroe.
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] serubin323: oh no
[19:47] <Tanis> D:
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: >:D
[19:47] <Darktaint> bukkit
[19:47] <bukkit> bukkit is an irritating bot
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] warlockseer: no, i am smeelo
[19:47] <Tanis> bukkit, byroe is a veggie
[19:47] <bukkit> Okay, Tanis.
[19:47] <Darktaint> bukkit, go away
[19:47] <bukkit> Okay, Darktaint - be back in a bit!
[19:47] <Tanis> aww....
[19:47] <Byroe> kill joy *halo guy voice*
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] maninahat: cheers
[19:47] <Tanis> indeed.
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] serubin323: 'bukkit, come back' >:D
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] warlockseer: am i smeelo bukkit?
[19:47] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: babey come back
[19:47] <Tanis> now we have to go back to slapping eachother with various objects.
[19:48] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large trout
[19:48] * Tanis slaps byroe like the vegetable that he is
[19:48] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large orange
[19:48] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large aflycon
[19:48] == Laptop_mini [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:48] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large wokka
[19:48] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large bukkit
[19:48] * Tanis slaps byroe around a bit with a large furd
[19:48] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a furdabip
[19:48] * Tanis slaps byroe around a bit with PONEHS.
[19:49] * Byroe slaps Tanis around a bit with a large LIBERTY PRIME
[19:49] * Tanis runs for the hills again
[19:49] <Tanis> i can't win ;_;
[19:49] <SurvivalBot> [g] maninahat: "mats"?
[19:49] <Byroe> COMMUNISM IS A LIE
[19:49] <Tanis> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[19:49] <SurvivalBot> [g] maninahat: okay
[19:49] <Byroe> ponies = communists!
[19:49] * Tanis slaps byroe around a bit with communist pinkie pie
[19:50] <Byroe> they love sharing and caring
[19:50] <Byroe> therefor communists
[19:50] <Tanis> correction
[19:50] <Tanis> socialists.
[19:50] <Byroe> COMMIES
[19:50] <SurvivalBot> [g] reikoNeko: Further proof that the only thing crazier than a communist is a rabid anticommunist
[19:50] <Byroe> THEY HAVE NO MONEY
[19:50] <Tanis> SOCIALISTS.
[19:50] <SurvivalBot> [g] motormaniac: commies.
[19:50] * Tanis slaps byroe around a bit with the fact that ponies are socialists.
[19:50] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: what is a pony
[19:50] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: So very true Neko
[19:50] <Byroe> Socialism is communism!
[19:50] <Tanis> but not the other way around sir.
[19:50] <Byroe> but not as bad ;)
[19:51] <Tanis> the distinction is important.
[19:51] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: me!
[19:51] <Tanis> opie, ponies are the life blood of friendship and magic on the interwebz
[19:51] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: ok i need a little more it will take a little
[19:52] <Byroe> dont the ponies have a queen?
[19:52] <Tanis> >.>
[19:52] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: ok
[19:52] <Byroe> do they?
[19:52] <Tanis> according to lore, they rule the land, however they also have a commanding body of politicians in canterlot.
[19:52] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: how much
[19:52] <Tanis> its princesses
[19:52] <Byroe> so they are not democratic?
[19:52] <Tanis> not full blown queens
[19:53] <Tanis> heavens no,they are not democratic
[19:53] <Byroe> democracy is truth! Monarchy is death!
[19:53] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: do you have like 2 or 3 diamands
[19:53] <Tanis> takes forever for anything to get done with a democratic system
[19:53] <SurvivalBot> [g] motormaniac: ponies are death
[19:53] <Byroe> i agree
[19:53] <SurvivalBot> [g] warlockseer: now they are not
[19:53] <Byroe> horses of the apocolypse
[19:53] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: boo ponies
[19:53] <Tanis> and it sure doesn't provide truth if things like fox news are floating around in a country supposedly democratically governed
[19:53] <SurvivalBot> [g] opie10: ok
[19:53] <Tanis> boo on you rbk
[19:53] <Tanis> shame on you for saying such a thing
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: poo on ponies <.<
[19:54] <Byroe> i love ponies
[19:54] <Tanis> friendship is magic.
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] warlockseer: poo on you
[19:54] <Byroe> they go great with bbq sauce
[19:54] <Tanis> quite warlock
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] motormaniac: poo on ponies!
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] aflycon: I detect an internal conflict within the USSR
[19:54] <Tanis> byroe thats quite horrible.
[19:54] * Vallorn slaps Tanis around a bit with a large trout
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: im not ussr >.<
[19:54] * Vallorn slaps Byroe around a bit with a large trout
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: Everyone is of course allowed personal opinions
[19:54] <Byroe> D:
[19:54] * Vallorn slaps SurvivalBot around a bit with a large trout
[19:54] <Byroe> the wild vallorn apears
[19:54] * Vallorn slaps Byroe around a bit with a large trout
[19:54] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: but do try to be civil and nice to each other and what everyone likes.
[19:54] * Vallorn slaps Milo_Windby around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] <Tanis> ahem...
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: im an orc
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: mmm ponies
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: :D
[19:55] <Tanis> chaos is rulling atm milo
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: pass teh poop on ponies petition xD loljk
[19:55] <Tanis> ruling*
[19:55] <Tanis> rbk, that is nothing to joke about!
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: hehe
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps Tanis around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: im offended rbk
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: i dont care D:
[19:55] <Tanis> im not even sure if ponies have excrement in equestria
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] Milo_Windby: I am being serious here, please keep the rudeness to a down low.
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] <Tanis> i've seen no evidence of such a thing
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] Byroe: im srry :(
[19:55] * Vallorn slaps rbk95 around a bit with a large trout
[19:55] <SurvivalBot> [g] rbk95: lol ill stop :3
[19:55] <Tanis> oh milo..
[19:56] <Tanis> too serious to a fault
just an observation about the world
(aka) that awkward moment when you realize....
Spoiler! :
<Tanis> i think i have just demolished all possibilities of mentorship for meh at this point in time....
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Tehbeard » 18 Jan 2012, 11:18

The escalation game:
Spoiler! :
[15:57] <Tanis_> Here is how the game goes: I start off with something benign... like a duck for example, and then you follow up with something that would eat/defeat it, and we escalate from there.
[15:57] <Tanis_> duck.
[15:57] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: ???????
[15:57] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: this is your town!!!
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Gummie1404: gorilla
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: CTULHU!
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: wow nice
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: where are you gummie
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Gummie1404: lol XD
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] herpmyderp: lol lord. he didn't reply
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: hey digger
[15:58] <Tanis_> meteor
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] herpmyderp: so DOM. you're 19?
[15:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> I noticed
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: welcome to my home
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: no
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: black hole!
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: gummie you coming
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] herpmyderp: apparently you ARE
[15:58] <Tanis_> white hole
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: how do you change you age!!!
[15:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> Why does it say you're 19 on the forums then?
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: yo momma
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: on
[15:58] <Tanis_> yo papa
[15:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> You managed to change it last time
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: yo nana
[15:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> How come you can't remember?
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: i fogot
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: this is the main part
[15:58] <SurvivalBot> [g] Gummie1404: yo slap happy grandpappy
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: but where i live
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: i havent been on for 1 month
[15:59] <davejavu> YES
[15:59] <Tanis_> cancer.
[15:59] <Tanis_> <.<
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: i forgot
[15:59] <davejavu> Im done coding.
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: is this way
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: gamma rays
[15:59] <Tanis_> real scientists
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: gamma rays are real...
[15:59] <davejavu> Tanis, do you still have the NullPointerException?
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] M477h3w1012: amazing going from 10 to 19 in a month?
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: zoe nice town
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: its minners
[15:59] <Tanis_> no i fixed it dave
[15:59] <davejavu> good :
[15:59] <Tanis_> hum...
[15:59] <davejavu> )
[15:59] <Tanis_> gamma rays....
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] herpmyderp: t/ch h
[15:59] <Tanis_> uh.
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: oooh, um, government funding
[15:59] <Tanis_> ya.
[15:59] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: here is the farm
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] herpmyderp: whait for what?
[16:00] <Tanis_> debt.
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: nice
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: Money
[16:00] <Tanis_> inflation
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: here is the home plots
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: hot air balloons
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: hey zoe
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: ye
[16:00] <Tanis_> rednecks with rocket launchers
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: i would like to help you with your town
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: it isnt mine its minner's
[16:00] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: oh
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: gun control laws
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: what the........
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: ok
[16:01] <Tanis_> drug cartels
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: that did not used to happen
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] M477h3w1012: not creative
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: maverick LA cops
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: what the hell
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: what the hell
[16:01] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: wait aoe
[16:02] <Tanis_> appocalyptic flood
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: zoe
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: ye
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: dont kill
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: Noah
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: we have to tell
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: ok..........
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: someone
[16:02] <Tanis_> dinosaurs
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: mod please
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: that used to not happen
[16:02] <Tanis_> >.>
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: metoer
[16:02] <Vallorn> yo
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: *meteor
[16:02] <Tanis_> alien meteor collector
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: mod
[16:02] <Vallorn> dom...
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: tp to me mod
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: i wish minner was here
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: Duke Nukem
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: oi
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: there are villagers spawning in a town
[16:02] <Tanis_> chuck norris...?
[16:02] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: dom, no tps, you know that
[16:03] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: this is weird
[16:03] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: Bruce Lee
[16:03] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: that is my moat A.K.A death pitt
[16:03] <Tanis_> horde of rabid ninja squirrels
[16:03] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: Poisonous nuts
[16:03] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: OMG
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: help
[16:04] <Tanis_> natural selection
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: creationists
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: i think its you
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: your in creative spawning them
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: i need help there are 15 villagers spawning ina town
[16:04] <Tanis_> scientists
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] Dominikvl9965: who is hacking!!!!!?
[16:04] <SurvivalBot> [g] ZoeDoran: i will get help you try and get rid of them
[16:04] <Tanis_> heheh
[16:05] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: mutant lab escapees
[16:05] <Tanis_> i call haX
[16:05] <Tanis_> vall?
[16:05] <Tanis_> oh um
[16:05] <Haxx> You called?
[16:05] <Tanis_> o_O
[16:05] <Tanis_> HAX :D
Bonus clip! Wokka death site
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by tanisjihanis » 18 Jan 2012, 13:44

The Escalation Game!
Now eliminating boredom in a chat room near you.
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Wildwill002 » 18 Jan 2012, 15:33

Wait wokka can die? :O
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by XDelphi » 18 Jan 2012, 15:47

Only from a metaphysical standpoint.
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Lefthit » 19 Jan 2012, 22:43

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 19 Jan 2012, 23:32

Wait, I think I missed the funny part in the second picture. :/

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by 697134002 » 20 Jan 2012, 00:06

The nightvision mode thing... I think.
Richard Dawkins wrote:I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Lefthit » 20 Jan 2012, 01:00

protip : look at what demonnaruto says JUST before i slay him in pvp :D
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by 697134002 » 20 Jan 2012, 01:15

I don't quite get it. What's the genuinely amusing thing about a noob saying good game?
Richard Dawkins wrote:I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by D4nny » 20 Jan 2012, 08:21

Lol; this was a pretty funny mistake SMW made - Mentor TP'ing to a new player thinking he was lost when he said he was in jail, and ending up that he was in jail and that SMW was then stuck in jail xD.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by SMWasder » 21 Jan 2012, 10:41

I don't know what you're talking about.

Never happened.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Wildwill002 » 21 Jan 2012, 16:23

Kingdom of loathing clan chat with atblue
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[clan] atblue: Greetings
[clan] Wildwill002: How art thou?
[clan] atblue: weakened, in a near-catatonic state
[clan] Wildwill002: And what has put you in such a state?
[clan] atblue: lack of blood...
[clan] atblue: and a bad haircut
[clan] Wildwill002: Become a vampire and get a wig then?
[clan] Wildwill002: Or!
[clan] Wildwill002: Drink more chocolate milk.
[clan] atblue: hmm... chocolate milk....
[clan] atblue: I think I ran out of chocolate syrup
[clan] atblue: correction, iI did -hic-
[clan] atblue: I*
[clan] atblue: We're not talking about Twilight vampires either, right? -hic-
[clan] Wildwill002: Nah, proper manly non-glitter ones. Like on the sides of cereal boxes
[clan] atblue: ah, I see
[clan] atblue: That's good
[clan] atblue: How would I replenish my daily source of Vitamin D, though?
[clan] atblue: I can't walk out in the sun
[clan] Wildwill002: Hmm...
[clan] Wildwill002: Use solar panels and feed the electricity they generate directly to your eye sockets. How can that go wrong?
[clan] atblue: I see no errors in that!
[clan] atblue: What a great solution!
[clan] atblue: Now, all I need to do is find the nearest vampire....
[clan] Wildwill002: Got any lawyers nearby?
[clan] atblue: Ha! My next door neighbor happens to be one!
[clan] atblue: How convenient!
[clan] Wildwill002: Excellent, Now all you need to do is break into his house in the middle of the night, sneak into his bedroom and force him to bite you. Foolproof
[clan] atblue: Brilliant
[clan] Wildwill002: And if anything goes wrong I'm sure you could hire him as a lawyer to defend you in court.
[clan] atblue: Yep, that seems to make sense
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 22 Jan 2012, 01:06

Wild, that's pure gold.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Wildwill002 » 22 Jan 2012, 05:48

You should join us! Click on my sig (Which you can now do :3) sign up and then at level 3 find the University of Loathing Research Institute clan. You get daily buffs, more adventures and food and booze sent your way.
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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by sag185 » 22 Jan 2012, 09:10

Ill join you, i joined a while abck but got out of playing :L

Level 6 saucer0r ftw. ._.

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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Post by Wildwill002 » 22 Jan 2012, 18:36

Found you, added you, proceeding to buff you
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