What's your FAVOURITE video game?
What's your FAVOURITE video game?
This is a video game poll! What is your fAvourite video game?
Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I should start a poll; "How many polls will Matty create in February?"
I do believe we had a thread like this somewhere, as I posted in it with Super Mario World being my all-time favorite game.
I do believe we had a thread like this somewhere, as I posted in it with Super Mario World being my all-time favorite game.
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I've only started 2...hundred
no this is my second one and it's February, man I gotta pay attention to my dates.

Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
- XxGhOsTxReCoNxX
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
OT; I like Halo and Left 4 Dead 2, but I like CoD.
Off topic: It's Jan. 31, lol.
Off topic: It's Jan. 31, lol.
- DuplicateValue
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Easy - Oblivion. I fell in love with it, despite its many flaws. Something that never happened with Skyrim.
After that, the Ratchet & Clank series.
After that, the Ratchet & Clank series.

"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Ya those Are all great games but... You didn't vote and ya ghost I'm in Ontario it's still January
Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Other than minecraft and skyrim, mine would be battlefield bad company II

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- Blackadder51
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
MC being on that list >.>
Crash Bandicoot 3 and Crash Team Racing are up there as my fav games, honourable mention goes to GTA 2/SA/IV so many hours sunk into them and Worms World Party for PS1.
Crash Bandicoot 3 and Crash Team Racing are up there as my fav games, honourable mention goes to GTA 2/SA/IV so many hours sunk into them and Worms World Party for PS1.

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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I know :P i voted for it

Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
- minnerthecat
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I'm really happy for you guys and im'ma let-chu finish, but Age of Empires 2 was one of the greatest games of all time.
...There should be a game about Kanye where you just interrupt people.
...There should be a game about Kanye where you just interrupt people.
Orange and white, but not quite right.
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Any Rare-Ware games made before Microsoft bought them out and the Time Splitters series
Eekum Bokum
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
- Sti_Jo_Lew
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I'm going to have to go with Minecraft. It's the game I've sunk the most time into and had the most enjoyment out of ever. Although, that has a lot to do with the community on this server...
The two other games I consider as my favorites are Shining Force for the Sega Genesis, and FarCry: Instincts on the original Xbox.
The two other games I consider as my favorites are Shining Force for the Sega Genesis, and FarCry: Instincts on the original Xbox.

Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
THIS! Although I'm outraged you'd place it at a mere second. R&C3 is the game that got me interested in games development, and the series as a whole has been consistently fun in every iteration.DuplicateValue wrote: After that, the Ratchet & Clank series.
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- Lord_Mountbatten
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I think it is immensely difficult to have a sole favourite. I have many favourite games, and I doubt that I could choose any one of them other another. I have chosen favourite games per genre before on these forums, and even then they were all difficult choices to make.
Except maybe in the JRPG category, mainly since I don't play them. Mother 3 wins that one hands down.
And since games from a similar vein are being mentioned, I'll also go with the Jak series. I haven't played anything after the third, but I don't need to. Excellent games, the first three.
Except maybe in the JRPG category, mainly since I don't play them. Mother 3 wins that one hands down.
And since games from a similar vein are being mentioned, I'll also go with the Jak series. I haven't played anything after the third, but I don't need to. Excellent games, the first three.

- Wildwill002
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
On PS2
Ratchet and clank but only 1,2,3 and gladiator as for some reason the ones after that just seem a bit... meh y'know
Age of mythology as it was the first strategy game i ever played and it gave me an interest in ancient civilizations which led my to find Gaia (After that I'd pick supreme commander 2, it's got a freaking cannon that can fire tanks)
On Xbox 360
Tough one... split between Fallout 3, New Vegas or Assassins creed revelations
Definitely Blue Dragon I just loved the game and I enjoy the difficulty curve. Still haven't killed the last boss though...
Ratchet and clank but only 1,2,3 and gladiator as for some reason the ones after that just seem a bit... meh y'know
Age of mythology as it was the first strategy game i ever played and it gave me an interest in ancient civilizations which led my to find Gaia (After that I'd pick supreme commander 2, it's got a freaking cannon that can fire tanks)
On Xbox 360
Tough one... split between Fallout 3, New Vegas or Assassins creed revelations
Definitely Blue Dragon I just loved the game and I enjoy the difficulty curve. Still haven't killed the last boss though...
Spoiler! :
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Here comes my list, RPG - A fallout game, any fallout game (execpt tactics & BoS), as some of my funniest &
proudest gaming moments are from the wastes.
Strategy - Evil Genius, because who doesn't love having a secret island lair & trying to take
over the earth.
Shooter - Call of Duty:United Offensive, first real shooter i got into which is still as fun today
as it was when it first realesed.
Simulation - Minecraft, it needs to win somewhere.
Other - Katawa Shoujo, no matter what you may think about Katawa Shoujo this game
deserves its place here.
proudest gaming moments are from the wastes.
Strategy - Evil Genius, because who doesn't love having a secret island lair & trying to take
over the earth.
Shooter - Call of Duty:United Offensive, first real shooter i got into which is still as fun today
as it was when it first realesed.
Simulation - Minecraft, it needs to win somewhere.
Other - Katawa Shoujo, no matter what you may think about Katawa Shoujo this game
deserves its place here.
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Ya I realized there is alot of better games then on the poll, but yet I dont play alot on other systems ever since my ps3 broke down, I'm more a 360 person myself.
Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
And ya GTA is awesome, but I play Chinatown wars on my iPod now because my parents don't like me laying the real game. On other consoles
Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
Age of Mythology was a GREAT game. Favorite RTS of all time. XD (Mainly for the fact that the farms didn't wither like they did in Age of Empires, always pissed me off) But the story was great! And I was always into ancient greek culture and myth.Wildwill002 wrote: On PC
Age of mythology as it was the first strategy game i ever played and it gave me an interest in ancient civilizations which led my to find Gaia (After that I'd pick supreme commander 2, it's got a freaking cannon that can fire tanks)
That or Emperor of Dune, That was another great RTS.
But I have to say that *the* best game I have ever played is this game called "Freelancer". Very few people have heard of it much less played it. But it was a Bungie/Microsoft space simulator with the best storyline ever. And the graphics were quite outstanding considering 2003. Just an overall amazing game. I highly recommend it.
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Quotes from cool people I've met over the years:
sobamushi "Maykxor your avatar makes me wanna dance ._.! "
"I think you may have problems, my friend."
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Re: What's your FAVOURITE video game?
I would go with minecraft!
It's about who your are now, that's what counts mate.
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