Hi, I'm Bealzibob. I tend to float around the server, helping people when I can and building what ever takes my fancy at the time. I don't often go for mammoth scale constructions but prefer something more elaborate than a dirt box... unless it's like the world most unique dirt box.
I've been on the server since a week or two before map 1.0 was wiped and became far more active in 2.0 with a small redstone business and several houses pretty much everywhere. My best building achievements would probably be my Hobbit house that I built at Rivers End in 2.0, a Golden Pantheon floating above a golden mountain that my friend Randomguy and I made on another server and a simplified zelda like dungeon that I made on single player.
I'm currently working on the first Oceanside Estate for the House of Bealzibob, called Manor Mephistopheles. It's nearing completion so I'm happy to leave it for a hour without the fear of creeper justice, so if you want soem help just ask.
PS: I think way to fast for my typing skills so if you see some terrible text that may have once had a peaceful existence as a comprehensible thought, it's probably me.
why hello thar!
why hello thar!
After a long and somewhat forced hiatus (forgot his forum password >.>) Bealzibob is back to bathe you in wonder.
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