/me gets out the sunglasses to protect his eyes from the flames.Stalke wrote:Foreon is now officialy open! Town Hall and town services are yet to be done but plots are up. Just ask Derigin or me for one. Anyway back to the point... PAAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAAY TIME!!!! /me calls Blackadder to get it started. :3
Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

CUT: Baldrick
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
/me grabs sunglassesvallorn wrote:/me gets out the sunglasses to protect his eyes from the flames.Stalke wrote:Foreon is now officialy open! Town Hall and town services are yet to be done but plots are up. Just ask Derigin or me for one. Anyway back to the point... PAAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAAY TIME!!!! /me calls Blackadder to get it started. :3
Looks like I need...
/me puts on sunglasses
UV Protection!
Richard Dawkins wrote:I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
697134002 wrote:/me grabs sunglassesvallorn wrote:/me gets out the sunglasses to protect his eyes from the flames.Stalke wrote:Foreon is now officialy open! Town Hall and town services are yet to be done but plots are up. Just ask Derigin or me for one. Anyway back to the point... PAAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAAY TIME!!!! /me calls Blackadder to get it started. :3
Looks like I need...
/me puts on sunglasses
UV Protection!
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

CUT: Baldrick
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Looks like Beorn's coolness level...
just went up a Notch.
just went up a Notch.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I approve of this :3
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
The mob tower is now fixed and working. It is, hopefully, now endermen proof. I will be expanding it to another level soon too 

- Cpt_Harlock
- Site Contributor
- Posts: 523
- Joined: 09 Jul 2011, 23:58
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Derigin!! We need to //pos1 //pos2 (Select whole town) //Replace cobblestonestairs brickstairs

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
From my personal experience, Derigin, Endermen don't seem to spawn in cuboids. But I don't recall if the tower is cuboided, so there's that.
On another note, I like the cobblestone stairs. I'll be on in a second to see how the stone brick stairs would look, but I think normal brick would look tacky. .-.
On another note, I like the cobblestone stairs. I'll be on in a second to see how the stone brick stairs would look, but I think normal brick would look tacky. .-.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Forthcoming big news coming soooooon...
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Beorn Progress Update - October 7th
Hey all, welcome to another installment of the "Beorn Progress Update."
1. The big news. Before it is thought otherwise, I am not stepping down as the Mayor of Beorn. Instead, as of this moment, I am changing the leadership structure of the town. I'm doing away with the idea of "Mayors" and "Co-Mayors." The reason being is that, with my duties as a moderator, and my life in general, I don't feel as though I can solely be the manager of Beorn in a manner that is good for the town or good for my other obligations. I feel that there ought to be multiple leaders of the town, that would be in an equal position as to a "mayor" of the town, and who would act both collectively and individually as leaders of the town. Thus, effective immediately, I am establishing a "Council of 8" that would be the manager, the executive board, the collective mayor of the town AND its landclaim. What this means is that the members of this council can do what they feel needs to be done for the town, in shaping the land, setting up plots, commissioning projects, altering landclaim, changing roads, giving away pieces of land, making parks, removing parks, selling houses, building houses, evicting residents (reasonably!)... whatever needs to be done for the town to prosper.
They will be able to work on any projects they feel that they want to add to the town, without having to worry about going through me to do it. I placed emphasis on the last part, because I think it's important. I will be a council member, but I will be an equal. I have projects in the town, of course, but it's all part of the bigger perspective. I want to work collectively as a member of the council. Each member's ideas for the town will be our ideas.
What this means is that it shouldn't be a managerial burden for any one person. But, now the Council of 8 now speaks on behalf of the town, as I would formerly speak on it. They can bring in new people, and settle them wherever they please, regardless of getting permission to do so.
The new council of 8 were selected from members of the town that have contributed significantly to making the town a great place on the server. If you are not selected, do not be disheartened. It doesn't mean that I feel your work for the town was anything less than stellar. I wanted to keep this council small:
In addition to the council, I recognize that there are areas within the Beorn Landclaim that have autonomy from the leadership of the main town, but are still part of the greater whole. These areas are run by individuals who, while not council members, still hold sway over their areas and the decisions of those areas. They are "special administrative areas" as the Chinese would likely say:
The Shire - Iron Fang
Verdant - yabai_ninja
Revel - Egyptus
2. As just noted, Egyptus has returned from a three month absence to decide to give the Revel Landclaim over to Beorn. As part of this transfer, I have pledged that I will fix up the town, help it prosper, and operate as Egyptus had imagined. He will remain the leader of the town, but he recognizes that he will not be on as much to run it as he used to. My plans for Revel will center on fixing the griefing, expanding it, cleaning it up a bit, and adding onto the existing structures. I have no plans to demolish anything that can't be fixed up.
3. The other big news. I am building a subway system through Beorn and to its neighbors. The first stretch is complete. The subway will center on the "Beorn Station" building located just west of the town's main railway station. From East to West it will stretch from Verdant/Reval in the far east, through the town, then towards Tulonville and New Bucks. From South to North it will extend from The Shire, through the town, up towards Foreon and then onwards to Harbortown. This is no ordinary subway system. It will operate like a real-world subway, with very few buildings and more open stairs to a very convenient system beneath the streets.
For the East-West Line, I have the following stations in mind:
East Beorn
Beorn Square
Fyra Rails
Beorn Station
West Beorn/Harlock
Tulonville (TBD)
New Bucks (TBD)
For the South-North Line, I have the following stations in mind:
The Shire
Tulonsae Gardens
Kindy Park
Beorn Station
Foreon Station
Moonstar (TBD)
HarborTown (TBD)
4. The last major update, I plan to completely gut and re-do a large portion of the town's main farms. One secondary tree farm is built. There will be two more in the West and in the South. However, the main farm building needs a lot of work. I wish to expand the other farms located in the building, and move some of the specialized farms (for example, the melon farm and the mushroom farm). There's 60 blocks in height worth of space not used underneath Beorn's Hall. I feel it ought to be used.
Hey all, welcome to another installment of the "Beorn Progress Update."
1. The big news. Before it is thought otherwise, I am not stepping down as the Mayor of Beorn. Instead, as of this moment, I am changing the leadership structure of the town. I'm doing away with the idea of "Mayors" and "Co-Mayors." The reason being is that, with my duties as a moderator, and my life in general, I don't feel as though I can solely be the manager of Beorn in a manner that is good for the town or good for my other obligations. I feel that there ought to be multiple leaders of the town, that would be in an equal position as to a "mayor" of the town, and who would act both collectively and individually as leaders of the town. Thus, effective immediately, I am establishing a "Council of 8" that would be the manager, the executive board, the collective mayor of the town AND its landclaim. What this means is that the members of this council can do what they feel needs to be done for the town, in shaping the land, setting up plots, commissioning projects, altering landclaim, changing roads, giving away pieces of land, making parks, removing parks, selling houses, building houses, evicting residents (reasonably!)... whatever needs to be done for the town to prosper.
They will be able to work on any projects they feel that they want to add to the town, without having to worry about going through me to do it. I placed emphasis on the last part, because I think it's important. I will be a council member, but I will be an equal. I have projects in the town, of course, but it's all part of the bigger perspective. I want to work collectively as a member of the council. Each member's ideas for the town will be our ideas.
What this means is that it shouldn't be a managerial burden for any one person. But, now the Council of 8 now speaks on behalf of the town, as I would formerly speak on it. They can bring in new people, and settle them wherever they please, regardless of getting permission to do so.
The new council of 8 were selected from members of the town that have contributed significantly to making the town a great place on the server. If you are not selected, do not be disheartened. It doesn't mean that I feel your work for the town was anything less than stellar. I wanted to keep this council small:
In addition to the council, I recognize that there are areas within the Beorn Landclaim that have autonomy from the leadership of the main town, but are still part of the greater whole. These areas are run by individuals who, while not council members, still hold sway over their areas and the decisions of those areas. They are "special administrative areas" as the Chinese would likely say:
The Shire - Iron Fang
Verdant - yabai_ninja
Revel - Egyptus
2. As just noted, Egyptus has returned from a three month absence to decide to give the Revel Landclaim over to Beorn. As part of this transfer, I have pledged that I will fix up the town, help it prosper, and operate as Egyptus had imagined. He will remain the leader of the town, but he recognizes that he will not be on as much to run it as he used to. My plans for Revel will center on fixing the griefing, expanding it, cleaning it up a bit, and adding onto the existing structures. I have no plans to demolish anything that can't be fixed up.
3. The other big news. I am building a subway system through Beorn and to its neighbors. The first stretch is complete. The subway will center on the "Beorn Station" building located just west of the town's main railway station. From East to West it will stretch from Verdant/Reval in the far east, through the town, then towards Tulonville and New Bucks. From South to North it will extend from The Shire, through the town, up towards Foreon and then onwards to Harbortown. This is no ordinary subway system. It will operate like a real-world subway, with very few buildings and more open stairs to a very convenient system beneath the streets.
For the East-West Line, I have the following stations in mind:
East Beorn
Beorn Square
Fyra Rails
Beorn Station
West Beorn/Harlock
Tulonville (TBD)
New Bucks (TBD)
For the South-North Line, I have the following stations in mind:
The Shire
Tulonsae Gardens
Kindy Park
Beorn Station
Foreon Station
Moonstar (TBD)
HarborTown (TBD)
4. The last major update, I plan to completely gut and re-do a large portion of the town's main farms. One secondary tree farm is built. There will be two more in the West and in the South. However, the main farm building needs a lot of work. I wish to expand the other farms located in the building, and move some of the specialized farms (for example, the melon farm and the mushroom farm). There's 60 blocks in height worth of space not used underneath Beorn's Hall. I feel it ought to be used.
- Aenir_bEPU
- Nyan Master
- Posts: 1237
- Joined: 14 Jun 2011, 20:24
- Location: Massachusetts
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I enjoy the fact that my name is first solely because of it being alphabetical.

- Cpt_Harlock
- Site Contributor
- Posts: 523
- Joined: 09 Jul 2011, 23:58
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Ooooohh nonsense. It's who's house cost the most to build in the town silly.Aenir_bEPU wrote:I enjoy the fact that my name is first solely because of it being alphabetical.

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Calling me cheap eh punk...
Edit: I'd like to announce Cpt_Harlock as my right hand man so that makes him a co mayor of Foreon. Give him a big clap for it and being a mod
Edit: I'd like to announce Cpt_Harlock as my right hand man so that makes him a co mayor of Foreon. Give him a big clap for it and being a mod

- TyrasEngineer
- Escapecraft Head
- Posts: 1499
- Joined: 28 Apr 2011, 10:14
- Location: Herts & Bucks, England
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I like the ideas for the subways, but there is already one going from Beorn to New Bucks. It goes Beorn Rails>Tulonville Green Acres> Tulonville Town Hall> New Bucks Highway. If you need to discuss changes or whatever, I run the New Bucks trains/ building projects so just tell me 

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I'll adapt that one, Tyrese, with yours and Tul's approval. It'll link up to the system I'm setting up in Beorn through Tulonville.
A quick but important note, I consider Beorn to be neutral from all established factions, particularly Corinth and USSR. While Tulonville and New Bucks are sister cities, I no longer associate the towns as part of a "Federation of Corinth." I will help my sister cities, and share things with my sister cities, but not under any formal imperial alliance.
A quick but important note, I consider Beorn to be neutral from all established factions, particularly Corinth and USSR. While Tulonville and New Bucks are sister cities, I no longer associate the towns as part of a "Federation of Corinth." I will help my sister cities, and share things with my sister cities, but not under any formal imperial alliance.
- Aenir_bEPU
- Nyan Master
- Posts: 1237
- Joined: 14 Jun 2011, 20:24
- Location: Massachusetts
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Wait what, does that mean Beorn isn't a Corinthian settlement anymore?
That'd be a lot of Cs to take down...
That'd be a lot of Cs to take down...

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I no longer see Beorn as a "Corinth."
As for symbols, I am undecided.
Jag's "Gift of Corinth" and Afly's "Little Corinth" will remain as is. The "C" can remain a symbol of Beorn, though I am offering a reward to anyone who can figure out a unique symbol for Beorn that is 4x4.
As for symbols, I am undecided.
Jag's "Gift of Corinth" and Afly's "Little Corinth" will remain as is. The "C" can remain a symbol of Beorn, though I am offering a reward to anyone who can figure out a unique symbol for Beorn that is 4x4.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Sounds interesting.derigin wrote:Jag's "Gift of Corinth" and Afly's "Little Corinth" will remain as is. The "C" can remain a symbol of Beorn, though I am offering a reward to anyone who can figure out a unique symbol for Beorn that can be 3x3 or 5x5.

EDIT: made it 4X4 think it fits with the corinthian gold and deri's love of note block for flooring
Spoiler! :
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Last edited by andy25100 on 17 Oct 2011, 11:55, edited 2 times in total.
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Don't listen to Deri! The symbol should be 2x2 or 4x4, so it will fit the city's roads. 

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
OK, I agree. After talking with Afly a bit, the C symbols will remain as a standard 3x3 symbol. But I am commissioning a 4x4 symbol now to represent Beorn.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I missed this but i made a 5x4 that you can see abovederigin wrote:OK, I agree. After talking with Afly a bit, the C symbols will remain as a standard 3x3 symbol. But I am commissioning a 4x4 symbol now to represent Beorn.
Edit: replaced it with a 4x4 one, much better
Last edited by andy25100 on 17 Oct 2011, 11:56, edited 1 time in total.
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

- Aenir_bEPU
- Nyan Master
- Posts: 1237
- Joined: 14 Jun 2011, 20:24
- Location: Massachusetts
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Something I whipped up; 4x4
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- TyrasEngineer
- Escapecraft Head
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- Location: Herts & Bucks, England
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I'm ok with modifications to the rails, but Tulon actually built most of it, I just do any further lines after New Bucks and maintain the station.
- Aenir_bEPU
- Nyan Master
- Posts: 1237
- Joined: 14 Jun 2011, 20:24
- Location: Massachusetts
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Feedback for a new symbol would be great : o
I'd like to know what others think could be improved on what I put up.
Or to know that you all think its complete garbage and that its bad and I should feel bad.
I'd like to know what others think could be improved on what I put up.
Or to know that you all think its complete garbage and that its bad and I should feel bad.

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
^^ i spent an upmost of 5 minutes on mine and would like to know if it was well spent
"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers

Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I'll comment on these when I wake up tomorrow morning. 
I also have another announcement. I'm doing a city cuboid of Beorn, though it'll be a bit different than normal cuboids given its size.
The way it will work is this way. There'll be district cuboids; covering a certain area of the town. Probably about 10-12 in total for the following districts: (from east to west) reval, east, garden, central, south, shire, north, foreon, castle, bridge, west, northwest. Membership in these districts will include council leaders for ALL of them, and only residents for their own specific district. Any resident of a district can modify their district cuboid, technically, though rules about sticking to your own plot still stands (as usual). These district cuboids will be creeper proof (like any other cuboid) and will be grief proof from non-residents. Nonetheless, if residents don't lock their belongings, other residents of that district can still access them (as is evident now, without cuboids). Think of these cuboids as a defense against non-resident griefers.
Personal Cuboids will still operate as they always have within these districts, as those cuboids will be ranked a higher priority than the district cuboid. This means that nobody but the owner of that personal cuboid, and whoever they designate, will be able to modify anything contained in their cuboid. So no other resident in the district can affect that person's cuboid.
Public buildings will have special cuboids within them to allow for public access and use. This applies to farms. The town subway should continue to operate much as Fyra's Rails have.
My hope is that this will help alleviate 3 things:
1. It will limit entirely griefing by non-residents. It will also protect against creeper attacks.
2. It will limit entirely the possibility of non-residents setting up a plot without first asking a council member to do so.
3. It will allow me to set up decorations, and other nice added bonuses, without having to worry about them being ruined by non-residents.

I also have another announcement. I'm doing a city cuboid of Beorn, though it'll be a bit different than normal cuboids given its size.
The way it will work is this way. There'll be district cuboids; covering a certain area of the town. Probably about 10-12 in total for the following districts: (from east to west) reval, east, garden, central, south, shire, north, foreon, castle, bridge, west, northwest. Membership in these districts will include council leaders for ALL of them, and only residents for their own specific district. Any resident of a district can modify their district cuboid, technically, though rules about sticking to your own plot still stands (as usual). These district cuboids will be creeper proof (like any other cuboid) and will be grief proof from non-residents. Nonetheless, if residents don't lock their belongings, other residents of that district can still access them (as is evident now, without cuboids). Think of these cuboids as a defense against non-resident griefers.
Personal Cuboids will still operate as they always have within these districts, as those cuboids will be ranked a higher priority than the district cuboid. This means that nobody but the owner of that personal cuboid, and whoever they designate, will be able to modify anything contained in their cuboid. So no other resident in the district can affect that person's cuboid.
Public buildings will have special cuboids within them to allow for public access and use. This applies to farms. The town subway should continue to operate much as Fyra's Rails have.
My hope is that this will help alleviate 3 things:
1. It will limit entirely griefing by non-residents. It will also protect against creeper attacks.
2. It will limit entirely the possibility of non-residents setting up a plot without first asking a council member to do so.
3. It will allow me to set up decorations, and other nice added bonuses, without having to worry about them being ruined by non-residents.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Here are the cuboids of Beorn. All Council Members have the ability to edit every cuboid, and they can (or if non-mod, ask) to add anyone to a cuboid:
Brown: beorn-northwest
Light Green: beorn-foreon
Red: beorn-north
Yellow: beorn-west
Purple: beorn-central
Dark Blue: beorn-bridge
Dark Green: beorn-castle
Pink: beorn-south
Black: beorn-shire
Cyan: beorn-garden
Orange: beorn-east
Rose Pink: beorn-reval
White: beorn-harlock
There is some land to the far east that I've leased out to an offline friend, so he can work on his projects and develop his town of Verdant.
Brown: beorn-northwest
Light Green: beorn-foreon
Red: beorn-north
Yellow: beorn-west
Purple: beorn-central
Dark Blue: beorn-bridge
Dark Green: beorn-castle
Pink: beorn-south
Black: beorn-shire
Cyan: beorn-garden
Orange: beorn-east
Rose Pink: beorn-reval
White: beorn-harlock
There is some land to the far east that I've leased out to an offline friend, so he can work on his projects and develop his town of Verdant.
- ActionGoose
- Posts: 9
- Joined: 20 Dec 2010, 23:39
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
I have a situation in northern beorn. the base for me and my friends was recently flattened, cuboided under beorn build rights, then the landscape was made to look like it was never there. This is really upsetting and I am wondering if you will remove the beorn-borderbuffer-n1 cuboid from existence so we can rebuild our base.
Re: Beorn & Tulonville & Foreon Official Thread
Once 1.2.4. is out on the server, Beorn will be undergoing a revitalization process. I've been surveying what Beorn has and the area surrounding Beorn, and I have been working on ways to both beautify what have become landmarks, and improve activity of the town.
Fyra has the downside that it is a 1.4. map, but I'm certain that should not be a problem with new users still going to the world.
Fyra has the downside that it is a 1.4. map, but I'm certain that should not be a problem with new users still going to the world.
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