Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

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What should the server's difficulty be?

Easy (this is what we're on)
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Hytro » 30 Mar 2012, 06:00

Voted for Normal, and I would not mind having the /gs and /spawn gone, it will just be a bit bothersome in the beginning and people are just afraid to walk a bit. People have gotten so used to having /gs that taking it away is unthinkable, but I'm sure most will get used to it after a bit of crying and maybe a bit of rage :P

I live in Terra, and I live pretty close to the east border, I have no problem getting back and forth, and I don't even have a rail yet.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by gendai351 » 30 Mar 2012, 07:14

I'd like to weight in on this....
I voted for normal.

as far as removal of /gs
total removal is a bad idea.
limiting it's access.
treat it as hearth in wow usable every x number mins.

I am one is the biggest traders on the server i donated so i could have the /home. i figured for 2 bucks a month
i could save myself 2 min walk to my house every time someone wanted something. I myself enjoy being able to join the server work on a project near my home hear something in trade serve them and be back on task within 5 mins.

i understand that you want to bring the survival aspect back
i understand that you want people to leave their areas and explore the world but this will be hindered by you removing the fast travel system.

btw i'm also not happy that we removed without warning the soulsand to glowstone plugin.
but i can live with that

i understand what your trying to do.
i may even agree with you on the principal.
but i just don't want to see you shoot yourself in the foot and lose the comminity you've fought so hard to build.

one of the rules in business school "a frustrated customer is not a paying customer for long"
i can see us revisiting this in a month or 2 and putting /gs back in but by then the damage will be done.

what would wow be without a hearth?? would you want to go back to having to manually launching every bird from iron forge to the other side of the world?

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Tulonsae » 30 Mar 2012, 11:25

We removed the soulsand to glowstone because it allowed glowstone farming. And generally exploits are disabled without warning. However, we are looking at a method to allow soulsand to be used as glowstone lighting - but without any farming abilities.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Tomenaki » 30 Mar 2012, 13:13

I know I've kind of been out of things here for a while, but there are few things I thought I'd say on the subject.

I agree with several of the comments on either side, but I agree that while this place started out as a survival server and I'm sure plenty of people play on the survival maps, that it really does hurt the overall community to take things like /gs away. It's not really about complete convenience, seeing as a walk of 20+ minutes to get from where you live to a city or something like that borders of just being a frustrating endeavor. I think it will impact trade quite a bit more than people seem to think, because if someone said "Hey does anyone have some cobble I could trade for" or something like that, I would think twice about it since it's not really worth the effort of walking/traveling that distance in order to complete the trade. To me, /gs = trade center for everyone, so unless we come up with a dedicated trading area, I say leave /gs in.

Not only is /gs useful for trading, but with the gigantic amount of area to travel now that we've grown so much, it's really more of a hassle just to get things done and I feel like this is not a good thing. It slows down development of projects and possibly of getting to know the new players as well as having them really get into all the server has to offer.

In the end, I voted to keep it Easy, not that I'd hate Normal, but I do agree that Hard is just asking for trouble. I also agree that even on easy the server has plenty of people dying anyway. It's not hard to die in Minecraft and I think just by taking away something like /gs would increase the amount of deaths (thereby making the upping in difficulty kind of twofold.)

Those are my thoughts on the subject.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by comic_sans » 30 Mar 2012, 16:58

I registered only to make this post.

Isn't this what happened at the end of Mass Effect?
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by vallorn » 30 Mar 2012, 17:09

comic_sand wrote:I registered only to make this post.

Isn't this what happened at the end of Mass Effect?
uh... i dont get it... :?
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Aenir_bEPU » 30 Mar 2012, 19:03

comic_sand wrote:I registered only to make this post.

Isn't this what happened at the end of Mass Effect?

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by BigC_1 » 30 Mar 2012, 19:07

I voted for normal like most people because the server is just too easy sometimes, and a large handful of players travel with friends or others to explore, build a house, build a town or city, etc.
I also voted for normal because as the majority of other players say it would be too hard for new players on the server, and we could also lose loads of the current players due to them possibly being casual players, And a good example of the loss of players would be as the other person commented how WoW lost 2 million players due to them increasing the difficulty. As I already read you guys can't make the separate worlds with different difficulties, which would be great if you could.

And about the removal of /gs this would be terrible due to it causes some people to take gruesomely long walks to the hub, and it would destroy the use of creative users because there are several areas that are way out in the distance because there is almost no where left near the creative world entrance to build at. Like for an example I have a project I am working on in creative that takes about ten minutes to reach, and the entire time I am traveling there is creation after creation after creation until I reach it.
If you guys do delete the /gs maybe you guys could install some sort of portals in towns and cities to reach the hub.

You guys should make a poll for the removal of /gs.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Maykxor » 30 Mar 2012, 21:05

I like a challenge, so I personally voted for hard. That's not to say that it should be hard for everyone. I'm sure that with the wide range of difficulty leveled people we have on the server, normal would be optimal. But seeing as how this is a survey, I'm voting hard! >:D But normal would be best for the whole of the server and (by the looks of it) will win the pole anyway.

As to the removal of /gs, I think this would be a great way to better distribute our population around the MC world so as to not concentrate GS. Therefore, I agree with the idea I've been hearing about of having Towns be able to buy portals to other towns in order to trade with other people. This would encourage more people to live in or around towns so that they would walk/train to the nearest town in order to go to other towns to trade with people. Not only will this solve to potential of trade becoming difficult, it would also benefit towns and encourage the previously mentioned growth of the world around the map.

As it was previously mentioned, I imagine GS to still exist for the purpose of Enigma/Creative/Event Map/The worlds/and of course, New Player Spawn, but as also previously mentioned, we would have to walk our way to GS in order to do this therefore accomplishing the goal of becoming a truer survival server. The portals, would therefore, remove GS as a trade hub while still retaining it's other functions, server to improve the populations of towns without disturbing trade too much, and create a greater sense of exploring the glorious world that is Escapecraft all within a rather reasonable 'survival' experience.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by gendai351 » 31 Mar 2012, 09:54

after review of the content.
what i would like to know what goal you have in mind by removing /gs?

so far from all the post everyone's gut reaction is like politicans trying to take away social security.

i get going to normal or hard if i don't manage to build my house right and protect myself i deserve the death walk

but purposely making it harder to move around i don't get.

slowing movement in even the slightest bit can affect alot.
trade will be far more rare and will be much higher value(leading to more theft).
mega projects will slow if not stop.
it will isolate the more antisocial player.
it will also lead to higher prices if it takes 15 min to get to where ever we deside to meet.
exploration will slow

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by LS13 » 31 Mar 2012, 10:43

The point is to make gameplay closer to survival. Plus, i was that antisocial hermet for a while. If u r a hermet out in like the corner of a world, not having /gs isnt going to make them less likely to go meet people. Thatll be of of their own accord
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by dombyrne13 » 31 Mar 2012, 11:14

I dont really have an opinion on the difficulty change, apart from that hard would be silly. Hard would just make certain things too difficult but easy/normal really represents no change. However, i think removing /gs is only going to have a negative effect on the server. Towns further away from the rails will die, very quickly and trading will be more difficult. Could you release more details on this 'faster than minecart travel' and when it will be implemented?

Another thing, will /gs be removed in creative?

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Tulonsae » 01 Apr 2012, 01:21

dombyrne13 wrote:I dont really have an opinion on the difficulty change, apart from that hard would be silly. Hard would just make certain things too difficult but easy/normal really represents no change. However, i think removing /gs is only going to have a negative effect on the server. Towns further away from the rails will die, very quickly and trading will be more difficult. Could you release more details on this 'faster than minecart travel' and when it will be implemented?

Another thing, will /gs be removed in creative?
Well, it's to improve survival so no. Or, if we end up removing it from the server altogether, I'll add a bunch of portals for convenience to Creative.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by tanisjihanis » 01 Apr 2012, 09:14

I know a lot of people are hating on the idea of removing groupspawn... But I think it's not such a bad idea, as it might actually knit together the server community better, as well as making player made trading hubs be a viable option.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by duhriddler » 02 Apr 2012, 00:34

(Yes, I know I haven't been around a lot lately, but I feel the need to say something about this.)

I understand where this desire for greater difficulty / a more "survival"-like server comes from. I really do. If you were starting a new server and not enabling any sort of groupspawn function, I'd say go for it. However, this is not a new server. This is not a new world. It's the same one that has been built up and mined out by players who knew that they had access to groupspawn, and it was built in a manner consistent with that. I contend that a large portion of things on this server would be vastly different if we had never had access to groupspawn, and that fact alone should tell you why removing it is at the very least a bad idea. Getting from place to place even with the help of groupspawn is often a PitA, making it harder at this point makes no sense.

That's my 2 cents.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Elcquid » 02 Apr 2012, 02:24

My proposal: The server could be set to normal. That seems to be the most popular, and people hate dying of hunger. /gs could be kept for all current vets and up, allowing new players to have a full survival experience while not handicapping players who have incorporated it into their playstyle. Please weigh in on this idea.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Skunk_Giant » 02 Apr 2012, 05:50

tanisjihanis wrote:I know a lot of people are hating on the idea of removing groupspawn... But I think it's not such a bad idea, as it might actually knit together the server community better, as well as making player made trading hubs be a viable option.
Yup, I agree here. I was against it originally, but I love the idea of towns actually having a use.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by gendai351 » 02 Apr 2012, 07:34

ok thank you for letting us know.

So we want towns to be the social centers and the primary hub for players?

How can we incentavise people to join and maintain towns?

as it stands right now you sacrfice space and get nothing in return.
and in some cases are expected to work on the town for hours and hours with little or no thanks

i definitely like the idea of portal between towns.

what else can be done?

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 03 Apr 2012, 01:59

Enforced socialisation? This sounds like team building exercises.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by wokka1 » 03 Apr 2012, 10:28

gendai351 wrote:ok thank you for letting us know.

So we want towns to be the social centers and the primary hub for players?

How can we incentavise people to join and maintain towns?

as it stands right now you sacrfice space and get nothing in return.
and in some cases are expected to work on the town for hours and hours with little or no thanks

i definitely like the idea of portal between towns.

what else can be done?
We have a few ideas on how to do this, more to come shortly :)

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Gannondorf1000 » 04 Apr 2012, 11:21

I belive if we move our diffuculty up that we should at least have some sort of /gs or /spawn because Escapia is so huge it would be very hard for players that r out in the wilderness and r unable to find there way out, it has happend to be several times and i would just have to use /gs or /spawn, again im just throwing out the idea that we still need a /gs of somesort, thanks for reading i hope what i have posted will ehelp :D
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Gannondorf1000 » 04 Apr 2012, 11:24

Oh and i agree with Gendai that we can have a limit of /gs kind of like the /kits timer just a bit shorter, sorry for the double post
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by LS13 » 04 Apr 2012, 18:18

If that happens just keep walking in one direction. Youll eventually hit the edge of the world
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 06 Apr 2012, 10:42

Well, with the new stuff that has been released (graveyards), my opinion on this has changed a bit.

It sounds like ie a great will be a great benefit to the towns and cities with access to a decent rail system, and a death sentence to towns without it. That will most likely mean more people building rails everywhere, which (depending on how much effort is put into aesthetics) could make the server look a bit worse with floating rails all over the place. Maybe I'll have to spend some time overhauling peoples rails for them (for a price of course :P.)

On how this effects me and other people who like to build large projects, it kind of a mixed. On one hand, those without VIP can get back to their stuff quicker from a town, and they have a trading center fairly close by. On the other hand, it means I'll have to decide whether to build closer to a town for convienient travel and risk getting crowded in (which I hate btw), or build as far away as possible from everyone and just make sure I have everything I need to build on hand at all times so I don't have to walk all over the place.

I also have a quick question. Any idea if minecart chests can be locked with /cpassword and such? I ask because it could be extremely useful to have rails set up between major cities to transfer goods back and forth, in the process creating an advanced server economy. Yet another thing I'd have too much fun with setting up. :P

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by disarmedfetus » 08 Apr 2012, 14:23

i think hard mode would be cool because the game would become more interesting and people would have to stick together. and as long as we help the new players get to towns where cut restaurants are then they wont starve to death and will want to stick around.
I also think the removal of /gs and /spawn would be a good idea because it would help towns grow and bring them closer together.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 08 Apr 2012, 14:31

disarmedfetus wrote:i think hard mode would be cool because the game would become more interesting and people would have to stick together. and as long as we help the new players get to towns where cut restaurants are then they wont starve to death and will want to stick around.
I'd rather have Normal, so that we don't "force" new players to live in towns.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by chandlerprice100 » 10 Apr 2012, 16:53

I think normal difficulty is a good idea.
As for /gs and /spawn, I suggest that they do a poll to decide.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by yabai_ninja » 11 Apr 2012, 15:08

I voted for normal, since i really don't wan zombies destroying all my doors. I have to admit, I will really miss group spawn, but I usually only use it for quick trading. Since there's rails all over the place I think i'll get used to doing that for travel, but trading will be a problem for everyone. When void glitches happen, and cuboid holes, is when I think group spawn is the most useful. Maybe make it only a certain number of group spawns an hour, with a cool down period of a few minutes? That would at least make trading easier, for large trades exceeding inventory size.

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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by BlackKnight » 12 Apr 2012, 00:01

I voted for normal difficulty. The removal of /groupspawn is something I'm against though. It's gonna be a bitch to lead new people to settlements, switch worlds etc.
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Re: Easy mode, Hard mode, lets do it!

Post by Tulonsae » 12 Apr 2012, 15:52

Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:
disarmedfetus wrote:i think hard mode would be cool because the game would become more interesting and people would have to stick together. and as long as we help the new players get to towns where cut restaurants are then they wont starve to death and will want to stick around.
I'd rather have Normal, so that we don't "force" new players to live in towns.
One reason I joined this server is because, unlike other servers where you had to join a faction/town, you could just go somewhere and do your own thing. It's a good bet I wouldn't have joined if we emphasized towns that much.

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