First house? Damn, can't do my first house in Ver3 since I gave that to Whales and he gave it to someone else. It's unrecognizable now. Oh well, to my obsidian shack in ver2!
I don't have any cool screenshots of server hijinks, I live on the corner of the map and generally keep to myself when playing. The only pictures I have are of my own stuff.
I don't build much, I'm more into mining.
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The active Ver1 map we have now is from before I joined the server, and therefore my first house doesn't exist anymore. Neither does my second (for the same reason - it was in the original Alantis).
"He's like fire, and ice, and rage.
He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
He's ancient and forever.
He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
And... he's wonderful."
DuplicateValue wrote:The active Ver1 map we have now is from before I joined the server, and therefore my first house doesn't exist anymore. Neither does my second (for the same reason - it was in the original Alantis).
Mine probably does. But anytime I look I can't find it. and if i remember the map had problems with certain chunks, so that's basically what i blame.
my first real house was in southern terra, and by golly i still happen to live there. too bad i dont have before/after ...
the last pics are the pub n games room , but i dont know what exactly my baby has grown up in to
Spoiler! :
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Wow, cool towers, but my first house/hole is completely gone. The land has been claimed, and I can't even find the entrance. Nice to see the land going to better use.
Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
Jake55778 wrote:I don't have any cool screenshots of server hijinks, I live on the corner of the map and generally keep to myself when playing. The only pictures I have are of my own stuff.
I don't build much, I'm more into mining.
Holy whiz that's alot of diamonds god u get so many I have 1 :/
Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
Last edited by Lord_Mountbatten on 27 Jan 2012, 19:49, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:I edited out what was the textual equivalent of a girlish shriek.
Video editor. GFX artist. Intro designer. *Pic coming soon* Also follow me on twitter- @Delux_kingzz
I'm not one for moving around. My first home is the same home I started with in the same exact spot I started at. It only just expands from its current state. I never even went to guest world. I just started in Fyra and didn't look back.
I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a mole; I dug into the side of a mountain and make a home and go down from there XD
Spoiler! :
Front of the house:
Stairs going down below ground level to strip mines, and side branches to different rooms as you go down, Library on right:
One branch: Storage room:
Another branch: Mycelium shroom harvester:
Mellon/wheat/pumpkin harvester:
My rainbow sheep collection:
My Spy Chickens..... they're plotting something....
So thats about it. Pretty cool huh? Not really but still.
Some people think in pictures, others think in words. I think in pictures with subtitles. Quotes from cool people I've met over the years:
sobamushi "Maykxor your avatar makes me wanna dance ._.! "
"I think you may have problems, my friend."
Sole ScuroThis: "This is the part where you scream sexual slurs in my face and I belt you."
My house in Lord's Landing, who needs to use blocks of diamond and gold to make a nice abode
Spoiler! :
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"They'll tear you apart, bone by bone... ...and build with you a human throne. Their buck- toothed king will sit upon What once was you, but now is gone. This key unlocks the gates of Hell. Steady traveler, use it well." - Grim Fandango - Poem of the Flaming Demon Beavers