I'm not sure anybody knows what's going on.Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Still need to catch up so I know what the balls is going on.

I'm not sure anybody knows what's going on.Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Still need to catch up so I know what the balls is going on.
Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
Daemon wrote:I'm going to draw the fuck out of this egg.
The Futuria soldiers are being led by Spybotics. They're there for two reasons. One, to find SuperGlitch (who's existence would prove that the Seahaven Base (and its nuclear weapons) had been destroyed, and two, to keep the army and navy away from Escapia and allow ReCUT to take over (as Mountbatten and Wokka originally wanted this to happen so they could take it back and be seen as heroes, thus restoring the Empire's reputation as well as CUT's).random980 wrote:I'm a bit confused >.>
With Wokka and Mount locked up in Escapia, who's leading the army thats in futuria? And why are they there again and what's their goal?
Why do we want to betray the rebels and notify the army to come back to stop Sneaky? I dont see the motivation here? Also i dont understand why i would say, "I hate to say it, but I actually miss CUT." What are the circumstances that have made me say that?
And i choose to stay put.
Well, there are 3 real arcs going on right now.Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:What the balls is going on?
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.
And I thought deri was bad for making wall of text posts... o_oSkunk_Giant wrote:-snip-
Spyboticsguy wrote:So I'm searching for a dead man? Yaaaaaay.
Also, SNEAKY IS FAKE AGAIN. That's not real SneakyPie; it's a hackbot!
My bad. Should have made it clearer.random980 wrote:Im not sure the crappy conditions under Sneaky's rule was actually explained in the story
We don't know a lot about Walker yet. From what he told Spy, we can piece together that he's clearly an enemy of Glitch and the Agents. It sounds like he has been following the Agents. Why? We don't know. But from what he says, the Agents are attacking Empires and pose a threat to Escapia (hell, he says they even were responsible for the bombing of New Central while you were there), and he and his men want to stop them.random980 wrote:Who the crap is walker, why is he at Futuria and how does he know Glitch and of his plans?
Well, we don't know a lot about the Collective. We can piece together from the Notch sections that it's quite similar to something Mojang are creating called the Beta, but aside from that, we don't know much. It refers to itself in third person (we don't know why), and appears to be able to travel fast or have some sort of ship, as it has been sighted in New Central, Escapia I, near the Seahaven Base, and now Futuria. We don't know how powerful it is, but we do know that it killed Glitch, and may well be responsible for Itchy's disappearance (who was last seen in New Central).random980 wrote: Also i'm a bit lost regarding the "collective" Who's side is it on, where did it come from and what is it (physically)? Or are we not meant to know any of that yet?
While there's no proof, Walker claims that Glitch and his Agents were responsible for the New Central attack. This is backed up by the fact that Foxes overheard some of the Agents talking about New Central.random980 wrote:Also the "unknown ships" that attacked New Central, Who's were they?
Well, that's more of a debatable point, but in general, the public were losing trust in CUT and Escapia. The Griefer attacks started getting more frequent, which led to people getting more worried. Sneaky stepped down after Mountbatten was arrested for stealing the VCLB for Proz, and while he claimed that it was all planned, many Escapians suspected that this was all a ploy to allow Mountbatten to avoid jail and continue questioning Proz (which is the truth). On top of that, there was the false Zin incident, which caused panic, the secret documents stolen which led to a number of trials and heated debates. The biggest factor in losing the public's support, however, was the Seahaven Battle which led to the complete destruction of Seahaven as well as the deaths of multiple Escapians.random980 wrote: And the rebellion, why was it needed and how could have finding Milo stopped it? I dont see how CUT ever felt they were loosing control of the empire?
Skunk_Giant wrote:Well, we don't know a lot about the Collective.
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