Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

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Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by GrimX9 » 11 May 2011, 14:25

Dear escapecraft,

I am building a new district for myself atm, and there is a large structure nearby that has sat mostly abandoned for a long time, I remember it being there when v3 first came out several months ago. Anyways I am moving in, and the old stuff needs to go, since it:
A. Sits abandoned
B. Floating Structure, taking up valuable ground space
C. Haphazard construction
D. No recent activity
E. Directly interferes with current project

Anyways I talked to Zinrius, and he said it may be okay, just put up a notice. Well I'm putting one up on the forum, and if it is not reclaimed by its original owner within one week, I will begin removing parts of it as I need the space.

Thank you, hopefully we can be civil (haha get it? Civil?) about this :)
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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by jagorrax » 11 May 2011, 15:17

I should also note that these structures have been here since early december and have not been worked on since.
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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by marurder » 13 May 2011, 02:51

It isn't mine, but I'd like to know where it is exactly before you tear it down, I'd like a looksie myself.

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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by 697134002 » 13 May 2011, 16:00

Southwest of Corinth.
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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by Zinrius » 13 May 2011, 21:31

Glad you took my advise.

I promise you, if by the end of the week we get no notification from them, we'll take the property down for better things like your own little projects. Also, make sure you put signs up in different locations on their premise advising them to contact a mod about this. Some folk don't visit the forums and could miss your notice. This is just a disclaimer of sorts to avoid things scenarios such as "YOU DINT TELL ME!!", but I'm sure no one will show up and we'll have mad fun taking it down.

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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by marurder » 14 May 2011, 01:25

If there is no reply will there be a notice so scavengers can go have at it? :P

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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by GrimX9 » 14 May 2011, 12:38

Yeah I'll put up a couple signs, and if it isn't reclaimed by 5/21 i'll assume it's abandoned. Of course on the 20th i'll let anyone have a go at it :)

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Re: Abandoned Structure, notice of removal

Post by Zinrius » 14 May 2011, 13:28

GrimX9 wrote:Yeah I'll put up a couple signs, and if it isn't reclaimed by 5/21 i'll assume it's abandoned. Of course on the 20th i'll let anyone have a go at it :)
Sounds like a plan. :) Looking forward to it.

I'll pass by some time to make 100% sure everything's a-ok to go.
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